Engaging with the Industry
During the last year...
...I have been lucky to attend a number of industry events such as the British Society of Cinematographers (BSC) Expo on the 2nd of February 2018. It was a great place to meet and talk to other people with similar interests and career plans, and managed to get some of those all important Contacts.
Secondly, me and a group of people from the uni entered the DV Mission 48 hour Film Challenge. We attended the Gala on the 17th March but unfortunately did not win anything. Our spirits were down in the gutter until we were approached by a man outside who claimed to be one of the judges on the panel. He then told us that our film was his favourite and that he'd liked to have seen us win. If this event taught us anything it was that film is completely subjective and to not give up. Our submission can be watched HERE
Lastly we were fortunate to be given a talk by numerous guest speakers at the University. These included: Barbara Machin, Tony Morris and Elliot Grove. All these guest speakers gave us the vital tips and guidelines to help us strive and succeed in this crowded and competitive buisness.
As for the future...
Through a long chain of contacts there is a possibility I could pick up some work experience with Warner Brothers over the summer. This would be a fantastic opportunity and I'm determined to not let it slip through my fingers.